Monday 18 August 2014

Types of Leaderships... when to endorse which style...

I have discussed below the eight leadership styles and as instructed in class by Dr. Mandi, THE REAL LIFE LEADERS WHO EXEMPLIFY THEM. 
If you are aware of these different ways of leading, you can adapt your style to manage circumstances and advance your intended goals. How do you decide which styles to employ? Read, reflect, and go experiment.

1. Charismatic

Known all over the world by her first name alone, picks a book to read and makes it a bestseller overnight, runs her own television network, and has more than 14 million Twitter followers. Her word can move the stock market and social issues for the better.
  • Influences others through power of personality
  • Acts energetically, motivating others to move forward
  • To spur others to action
  • To expand an organization's position in the marketplace
  • To raise team morale
2. Innovative
Launched his first business at 16, founder of Virgin Group, comprising more than 400 companies in fields ranging from music to space tourism. He recently described his philosophy to Inc. magazine: "Dream big by setting yourself seemingly impossible challenges. You then have to catch up with them."
  • Grasps the entire situation and goes beyond the usual course of action
  • Can see what is not working and brings new thinking and action into play
  • To break open entrenched, intractable issues
  • To create a work climate for others to apply innovative thinking to solve problems, develop new products and services
3. Command and ControlThe Icon: Tom Coughlin
Controversial head coach of the New York Giants, a stern taskmaster and disciplinarian who learned to adapt his leadership style to improve his relationships with his team but never lost sight of his goal: winning Super Bowls.
  • Follows the rules and expects others to do the same
  • In situations of real urgency with no time for discussion
  • When safety is at stake
  • In critical situations involving financial, legal, or HR issues
  • In meeting inflexible deadlines
  • Demands immediate compliance
  • Engages in top-down interactions
  • Is the sole decision maker
4. Laissez-Faire
The Icon: Donna Karan
Founder of DKNY, built an international fashion empire based on wide appeal to both women and men. Although she has spent less time creating her own designs since 2002, her vision lives on in the work of other designers, inspired by her leadership.
  • Knows what is happening but not directly involved in it
  • Trusts others to keep their word
  • Monitors performance, gives feedback regularly
  • When the team is working in multiple locations or remotely
  • When a project, under multiple leaders, must come together by a specific date
  • To get quick results from a highly cohesive team
5. Pace Setter
The Icon: Jeff Bezos
Founder of Amazon, set the pace for the boom in e-commerce by creating a transactional interface that every other online merchant copied—the same people who are now following him to the cloud.
  • Sets high performance standards for self and the group
  • Epitomizes the behavior sought from others
  • When staff are self-motivated and highly skilled, able to embrace new projects and move with speed
  • When action is key and results are critical
6. Servant
The Icon: Herb Kelleher
Cofounder and former CEO of Southwest Airlines, famously said "the business of business is people" and created a company culture that reflects that philosophy. He once took an interior office with no windows rather than encourage the traditional view of an office as a status symbol.
  • Puts service to others before self-interest
  • Includes the whole team in decision making
  • Provides tools to get the job done
  • Stays out of limelight, lets team accept credit for results
  • When leader is elected to a team, organization, committee, or community
  • When anyone, at any level of the group, meets the needs of the team
7. Situational
The Icon: Pat Summitt
Former head coach of the University of Tennessee women's basketball team, holds the record as the all-time winningest coach in NCAA history. Even as new players joined her team each year, she maintained a winning record (more than 1,000 victories and eight national championships over 38 years) by adapting her coaching to her young players' skills and needs.
  • Links behavior with group's readiness
  • Includes being directing and supportive, while empowering and coaching
  • Where ongoing procedures need refinement, reinvention, or retirement
8. Transformational
The Icons: Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield
Turned a $12,000 investment and a correspondence course on ice cream making into a beloved international treat. They adopted a radical business philosophy dedicated to social responsibility and created a business model that allowed members of their customer community to become stockholders.
  • Expects team to transform even when it's uncomfortable
  • Counts on everyone giving their best
  • Serves as a role model for all involved
  • To encourage the group to pursue innovative and creative ideas and actions
  • To motivate the group by strengthening team optimism, enthusiasm, and commitment

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